Yes! But it may feel a little weird at first. Wearing a device in the nose is likely a new sensation. Like contact lenses or hearing aids, it may take up to two weeks to fully adjust. Be patient – the benefits of nasal breathing are worth it! Can SnoreStopper Pro get stuck in your nose?
Breathe Better
Than Ever!
The SnoreStopper Pro fits comfortably inside your nostrils, so you can breathe and sleep better!

Instantly Breathe Better
Through Your Nose

All-natural & drug-free
SnoreStopper Pro's ingenious design makes it extremely effective without harsh medicine or painful surgery.

Comfortable fit
The SnoreStopper Pro includes two sizes so you can find the perfect fit for optimal breathing and comfort.

First-Hand Advice
It's one of the most comfortable assisted breathing apparatus on the market and is easy to clean.

About Us
Purchasing here is buying directly from SnoreStopper Pro, the inventors of this innovative solution. SnoreStopper Pro has partnered with GiddyUp, a curator of innovative products, to present a special offer that you won’t find anywhere else. To support these inventors, please consider buying your SnoreStopper Pro on this site, rather than 3rd-Party retailers.
Designed For Better Breathing and a Better Night’s Sleep

Comfortable for
Extended Use

Choose Your

SnoreStopper Pro



Discover How Good Life Can Be When You Can Finally Breathe!
SnoreStopper Pro can improve your life in more ways than you think. This innovative and effective breathing aid can help you stop snoring - which will improve your sleep quality. Your athletic performance and even your mood will be enhanced.
With two sizes included in the kit to choose from, SnoreStopper Pro will fit comfortably inside your nose for extended wear.
You’ll breathe better and feel better - instantly!
Breathing Is
Just A Click Away
Frequently Asked Questions
SnoreStopper Pro was specifically designed to prevent it from ever getting stuck in your nose. The clear band that attaches the left and right pieces prevents SnoreStopper Pro from getting stuck in your nose and makes it super easy to remove. Tens of thousands of SnoreStopper Pro devices are being safely used in noses around the world.
SnoreStopper Pro was designed to balance exceptional airflow improvement while being virtually undetectable to those around you. While you may look at yourself in the mirror and notice a slight difference, even your close friends and family most likely won’t.